Have you wondered why some old people are not respected as expected? Before you begin to blame the young person who seems to be disrespecting an old person,consider if these two things are reflecting in his/her life.
Now read carefully what the scripture says that should come with old age: *”wisdom and righteousness are signs of the maturity that should come with old age”*- Wisdom 4:9.
In other words, anyone who is old but lacks wisdom and righteousness shall be disgraced. Thus the scripture says: *”In their old age the wicked will be disgraced by the young people who have already achieved perfection”* Verse 16
You see, it’s not enough to pray for longevity, you should also pray for wisdom and righteousness, for they are what will add meaning to your old age.
Reality is, wisdom and righteousness are not acquired automatically. They’re acquired by conscious action of the individual. This is why you must start now to building the kind of life you desire for yourself when you are old.
You see, old age is literally a period of abandonment. People will not be around you as usual because you are now inactive. At this period, you will begin to see the heavy effects of how you have lived your life and trained your children. Your children and humanity will show you concerns based on your antecedents. Then you know the full meaning of the statement: *”What goes around comes around. And what you sow, you will reap.”*
Forever, wisdom and righteousness are of Inestimable Values. These will always be sought after by all generations. If you possess them,you will ever enjoy your old age.
Now listen,in 2007, during the Lenten season of that year, I wore one type of clothe for 40 days and fasted and my prayer point was just one thing: *Wisdom*.
You see, you cannot get what you do not give your full attention to. *Begin now to prepare your old age, hence,then you live mainly in memories of what good or bad you have done during your youthful age.*
Ever know, once a day passes,it has passed forever. It’s irreversible. Therefore,be conscious of everything you are doing. How well is it? Or am I really deceiving myself?
In the light of the above therefore, make hay while the sun shines. *Pursue wisdom and righteousness with all your heart, this is the way to honorable old age and the way to immortality of the soul*.

Good morning pals


Do not give up as long as you have something to give.

Onyeka Ozoudeokpoko

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1 Comment

  • Onyeka Ozoudeokpoko

    Thanks so much
    So for the late reply
    I have been so busy
    Thanks so much once again

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