According to Robert Kiyosaki, *the term co-dependency is used by psychologists to describe a person who is attracted to people who are addicted to a substance or some kind of destructive behavior.* For example,those who take people around begging for money, are co-dependent on the beggars who depend on society for survival.Because of this, they’ll not in any way do things that will change the conditions of those beggars they’re taking around. And if for any thing they get healed,those people will change to other beggars and continue their business.
Codependency gives room for the dormancy of the brain. Individuals in this category will always be around those individuals that are addicted and so continue to take great advantage of them.
Those in this category think that they would not survive in the world should they quit this kind of lifestyle.
The same thing is happening in civil service. Most people there are *co-dependents*,in the sense that they don’t really care about improving the system in any way,all they’re after is their paycheck at the the end of the month.
It’s clear to them that they are primarily there with a survival mentality and not really to make much improvements. And because they are getting their paycheck, they see no reason for thinking creatively. To them, it’s not necessary.
Something happened yesterday. I was at my parish and a society was doing their internal bazaar. As I was eating the edible I bought,a friend came around and he was telling me that he has almost finished his ND(national diploma) at Oko poly and ended up saying that he would register for his HND(higher national diploma) with UNN(university of Nigeria Nsukka), saying that he would easily get a job with a certificate that comes from the latter school. At this point, he asked me what my take on it was.
Well, I explained to him that his main reason for getting certificate should not be to get a job,instead to create a job. This shows that our educational system is producing more of co-dependents. This is why people lie and kill just to remain in office. Survival mode is ingrained in us right from school. This is terrible.I lectured him extempore. It dawned on him that he is actually operating on the level of *codependency*
Reality is this, there is nothing like Job security. It doesn’t really exist. According to Robert Kiyosaki, *”the only way you can have security is through your own knowledge.We need to know how money works in our lives. We need to know how to be flexible and make changes when it is necessary. We need to know how to learn new skills and adapt quickly no matter what happens*
Focus more on knowledge. Spend on it, for this is the only thing that sustains. Consider your self luck if understand this.
At this point therefore, review why you are still doing what you are doing now. Ask to decode why you have allowed fear to hold you captive for years and you are so afraid to taking a step towards your goal.
Ever know:if all your thinking is only survival in nature,it shows you are co-dependent and this will never take you to the future you have in mind.And this is the danger of codependency.

Think about this

Do not give up as long as you have something to give.

Onyeka Ozoudeokpoko

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1 Comment

  • Ishiwu Justus Chizoba

    Am really motivated!!!

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