
(1 customer review) 0 sold

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This book is as a result of years of research on this sensitive issue. Gossip has done more harm than good to humanity, it has destroyed families, relationships, institutions. It has made some individuals carry grudges for years in their hearts.  Yet very few authors have written primarily on it.

You see, some promotions are denied, some suitors withdrawn from moving on with the marriage proposal, etc, all because of gossip.

It’s rare to come across this kind of masterpiece, now you have come across it, don’t let it slide. Grab a copy, consume it and use it to teach the younger generation


This book is a result of years of research on this sensitive issue. Gossip has done more harm than good to humanity, it has destroyed families, relationships, institutions. It has made some individuals carry grudges for years in their hearts.  Yet very few authors have written primarily on it.

It is most likely that you may not have read any book on this subject, this is why this vice keeps thriving. In this book, you shall know:

The meaning of gossip
How the three major ethnic groups view gossip
How the scripture views gossip
Why people gossip
Causes of Gossip
Motives of Gossip
Advantages of gossip
How gossip can be reduced
How to know if you are a gossip, etc.

All females
All house wives
All administrators
All preachers
All teachers at all levels
School managers, etc.

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