A quote says that insanity is doing the same thing in the same way every day and be expecting a different result. Now listen, for years now, those you take to be men and women of God have been prophesying to you every new year but have you ever prophesied to yourself? Have you bothered about it for once? Oh you think you too are not a prophet?
You see,most prophecies don’t manifest because they cannot suppress the freedom of man to manifest. God is not a magician. Human efforts and cooperation have to come in.
This is why, you should prophesy to yourself,by first deciding to work on yourself by putting the efforts needed to make a difference.
After my intensive studies on temperament, I discovered three things that can hinder you from excellence of any kind:
👉 Environment
👉 Thinking process and
👉 Ignorance of one’s temperament.
If these three areas are not properly addressed,it will be difficult for any prophecy to manifest in your life.
You see, alot is involved,if you truly want to make a meaningful Impact. This is why you should first prophesy to yourself by addressing these three areas. Start from here immediately. Don’t waste further time.
God is God and He is willing to support anyone who is willing to prophesy to himself or herself.
By prophesying to yourself, you can decide to start doing things that contribute to your goal or stop doing things you clearly know that are not leading you to your desired future.
*When men of God say God bless you,it doesn’t mean that you can now go home and sleep,no. It means you put in your own efforts, and the blessings will then manifest*. We need to understand this well to be able to get to our desired destination.
Ever know: *you too are a man or woman of God. You too are a prophet. Prophesy therefore unto yourself and take responsibility*.

Think about this

*Do not give up as long as you have something to give*

Onyeka Ozoudeokpoko

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