Are you aware that most people are born in their country and they never traveled to another country until they die? Question is are you going to live all your life here on Earth without traveling to see how other parts of the world are?
You see, we have over 190 countries in the world. How many of them have thought about visiting? Did you just say you have not thought about it?
You see,if we don’t question ourselves,we will never get any answers. *It’s not normal that you are born and brought up in Nigeria and you spend all your energies revolving around a geographical area.
One of the reasons you are complacent with your life is because you have no big picture of your world. You will be induced to upgrade and begin to do things as never before if you really want to explore your world.
Do you have *passport*? If you don’t,go and get one from the Immigration office. By the time you are done with it, your thinking will upgrade.
Your major hindrance is that you are too comfortable with the way things are going on in your life. You eat three times a day and pay your bills and you think that is all you can possibly do?
I want to recommend a book for you, which will go along way to getting you prepared for wealth from the inside. But before I can do that, indicate interest that you must buy and read it. Do so by writing *I am in*.
As a matter of fact I want everyone to follow up with what we are doing because everyone has some thing to gain at the end of the day.
It’s my desire to see everyone here succeed, just write down the number of country you want to visit and with the book I will recommend,we shall build your internal capacity to be able to accommodate great wealth. You will see that knowledge is indeed power. And once you’re activated from the inside, begin to take action immediately, don’t procrastinate.
Think about this
Good morning pals.
Do not give up as long as you have something to give.