If only we could pay attention,we would always be surprised at the lessons life is teaching us on daily basis.
Due to my working late into the night the previous day, I woke up the next morning and continued my normal work for the day. Meanwhile, I didn’t realize I still had hangout sleep.
Thus I boarded a mini-bus going to work, before I could know it, I slept off. And on waking up, I realized that I have passed my destination.
When I got out of the bus, it dawned on me that I had to spend extra money in order to go back to my destination.
Reality is,if we are not awake to protect our world and our dreams, the world will take us to a destination we never planned for ourselves. When this happens,we will need extra efforts to regain stability
At this point,I invite you to check yourself and know if where you are right now is the actual destination you had in mind.
*You see, forever,we are all in motion. Some are moving up, others are coming down*. Stop,if you discover, you are no longer in your dream destination.Think about this
Do not give up,as long as you have something to give.