Brain Is Sold Here

Current price is: $10.00. Original price was: $15.00.

“Brain is Sold Here” is a work that is written to specifically help students and tutors, even individuals become the best version of themselves.
A lot of ills assume dangerous dimensions in leaps and bounds every day, in our schools and society because people fail to wise up.
Society cannot be better if its citizens are dullards.


“To educate the mind is to liberate it and empower the individual” .
It has been my fervent and ardent desire to improve the quality of life of students, tutors, parents and society at large through a masterpiece like this. Our school system is a major channel through which lives are transformed. But this transformation will not be possible, if the quality of books/resources available to both the students and the tutors are compromised.
“Brain is Sold Here” is a work that is written to specifically help students and tutors, even individuals become the best version of themselves.
A lot of ills assume dangerous dimensions in leaps and bounds every day, in our schools and society because people fail to wise up.
Society cannot be better if its citizens are dullards.
Society is inert, it is her members that drives it. You are the one to think for the society, thus giving it direction and meaning. In the same vein, school does not have brain of its own, it does not think. When you think, it drives society, yes, the school thinks. But how can you think when you do not have brain?

In this masterpiece therefore, you will learn:
👉 What it means to have brain
👉 How to know if you have brain
👉 How to buy brain for your self.
👉 How to buy brain as students
👉 How to buy brain as christians
👉 How to buy brain as Tutors
👉 How to buy brain as parents
👉 How to buy brain for the society
👉 Etc
Because of the weight of the information contained in this masterpiece, it’s critical that you do not just buy for your self but for your loved ones. Only those in their graves are barred from getting a copy.

Read and form your CBM . You will understand what this means as you read through the masterpiece.

Rush now !!

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